Low Price Honeywell RCWL300A1006 Premium Portable Wireless Door Chime and Push Button

Very handy with a choice of 3 different electronic chimes AND a volume control.....however....be warned that the door bell button is not an easy installation. The mounting back plate comes with screw holes not drilled out which must be done carefully to avoid cracking the plate. I can't imagine why this was not done during manufacture. Also the screws supplied had heads that too large and prevented closing the button housing. This problem could be solved by using the double sided tape provided but I prefer permanent installation.....

So...it's really a small unit, very nice chelectronicimes and the convenience of putting where ever you desure. It would have rated 5 stars if it were not for the button problem. Another plus is the use of 3 "AA" batteries NOT 4 "C" as described in the product description.Get more detail about Honeywell RCWL300A1006 Premium Portable Wireless Door Chime and Push Button.

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