The ad clearly states, usally ships in 2-3 days. So you go ahead and put in your order and pay Amazon instantly.
The following day you get notice that the item will ship in 12-15 days and now its too late to cancel. The item is fine, It eventually shipped out 16 days after purchase and arrived 8 days later, so allow at least 24 days.
The safe it self is fine, The packaging is not good, its scracthed, but its not a show piece and will be hidden. Although one would expect it to be packed better. The instructions are easy to follow if you can speak Spanish, no English instructions came with it, although it is very simple to operate and you won't need them.
It is easy to secure to the floor. Its easy to use, and quite big inside, I can hold alot more than I thought.
I would buy one again, although if I had known it would take so long I would not have got it from Amazon, saying that the 'free shipping' option is nice, so you get what you pay for.Get more detail about Honeywell 2190 2.02 Cubic Foot 2 Hour Steel Fire Safe.
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