great little unit. not intended to heat a large room. but will keep a small room at a good warm tempBuy Honeywell Sure-Set Ceramic Heater with Oscillation - HZ365!
Honeywell Sure-Set Ceramic Heater with Oscillation - HZ365
on วันเสาร์ที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552
aube by honeywell ti035u solar programmable timer switch white,
honeywell 3 speed oscillating tower fan with remote hy 041w,
honeywell hz 341bl sureset ceramic room space heater w remote black,
honeywell sure set ceramic heater with oscillation hz365
Comments: (0)
great little unit. not intended to heat a large room. but will keep a small room at a good warm tempBuy Honeywell Sure-Set Ceramic Heater with Oscillation - HZ365!
Honeywell 3-Speed Oscillating Tower Fan with Remote HY-041W
Love the shape, the size, the ease of operation, airflow, remote feature.
HATE the noise. Much noisier at low speed than my old circular fan at its fastest, noisiest speed. Taking it back.Buy Honeywell 3-Speed Oscillating Tower Fan with Remote HY-041W!
Honeywell HZ-341/BL SureSet Ceramic Room Space Heater w/ Remote - Black
on วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552
aube by honeywell ti035u solar programmable timer switch white,
honeywell hz 341bl sureset ceramic room space heater w remote black
Comments: (0)
There are a few decent things I like about this heater, and one of them was the oscillation feature (which moves it back and forth). I was pleased enough with the first unit I bought that I ended up ordering a second one for a separate room.
Not long after, however, the oscillation feature broke on the first one. The thing started by making this loud clicking sound as it turned; then a few days later, it just stopped moving altogether. And in case you're wondering, YES, it continued to make the annoying clicking sound!
The heating element continued to work fine, but one of my favorite features was now gone. So I shugged at my bad luck and switched the one with the broken oscillator to the less-used room.
But a few weeks later, the other one started clicking too, and I was like, "oh crap." In short order, its oscillator stopped working too. At that point, I concluded that bad luck had nothing to do with it. The gears inside must be super-cheapo plastic or something, because now I have two of these things, and neither of them oscillate! LOUSY! LOUSY! LOUSY!Buy Honeywell HZ-341/BL SureSet Ceramic Room Space Heater w/ Remote - Black!
Aube by Honeywell TI035/U Solar Programmable Timer Switch, White
aube by honeywell ti035u solar programmable timer switch white
Comments: (0)
This is a great timer. It was pretty easy to install, and it works great. Some folks might want a backlight, but I did not want to call attention to the switch as it runs our front porch light. We have not had a problem with a compact fluorescent bulb in the light. Buy Aube by Honeywell TI035/U Solar Programmable Timer Switch, White!
Honeywell TN924W Complete Pro Weather Station with Rain, Wind, Temperature, Humidity & NOAA Alert Radio!
on วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552
31 cubic foot waterproof fire safe with combination lock,
62 cubic foot shelf safe,
honeywell 2073,
honeywell 2092 1,
honeywell quiet care air purifier with germ reduction,
honeywell te103nl wireless indooroutdoor thermometer,
honeywell tn924w complete pro weather station with rain wind temperature humidity
Comments: (0)
A little over a year ago I purchased this product and deployed it in the middle of a record breaking Canadian winter. I had done some research on personal weather stations and found this one to be listed in the above average consumer ratings category. I was initially drawn to this product by its fairly reasonable cost of $249 and figured it must be good quality because it carries the well known "Honeywell" name. However, I must confess that I have been somewhat disappointed in its performance over the last year.
To begin with, the setup is very cumbersome due to the programming buttons located on the back of the console and complicated steps to change settings. Once it was up and running things seemed to go well for a couple days until my remote wind instruments lost reception for a few minutes and then would not come back online until I powered down the unit. Of course this meant that I had to go through the confusing setup again. Unfortunately the console does not continue to scan for a sensor once it loses a signal. After placing my sensors closer to the base unit and using lithium batteries this problem was corrected for the most part. However, I have had to power down the unit (unplug it and take out the back-up batteries) at least once or twice a month since I put it in operation. The only good thing about this is that I have become quite good at programming it now.
Another BIG issue that I have noticed is that the remote temperature sensors tend to read 1.5 to 2 degrees F higher than the correct temperature. I know this because of have checked the sensors against other professional thermometers and have watched water drops freeze while the senor says it is 34 F at the same location. To try and correct this I bought an additional temperature sensor and field tested it against the first one. I noticed this one also read high. My placement for these sensors are per NWS standards at 5' above the ground. I have one sensor in the shade and one with a standard solar radiation shield and they still read high. I am able to correct this error with my software so that my data is logged correctly but the console reading remains off. This is a problem for a company that has been in the business of making thermostats and other temperature devices longer than I have been alive.
The other issue that is a problem is that the wind instruments are made of "white" plastic. I presume this is to cut down on solar radiation absorption which would make the other thermometer located in the anemometer read off the chart in sunny conditions. The problem I have found is in icing conditions the wind instruments will freeze up and sometimes remain in that condition for days until the temperature rises above freezing. If this instrument was made of black plastic, like that of the Davis products, a brief episode of sun would probably free it up a lot sooner. Since my instruments are located 35 feet in the air it is not feasible to climb up on a ladder every time this happens. In the last year I have had this icing problem occur 4 times with an average 2 days of waiting for the wind instruments to free up.
Some good things about this product are that it looks great and has a bright blue backlight that automatically adjust to the light of the room. It has a great NOAA weather alert radio built in, and its cost is reasonable. If you don't mind messing around with and tweaking this product then it is a good buy. If you want precise measurements, I would suggest spending a little more money to buy an another personal weather station.Buy Honeywell TN924W Complete Pro Weather Station with Rain, Wind, Temperature, Humidity & NOAA Alert Radio!!
Honeywell 2073 .62 Cubic Foot Shelf Safe
It's a sturdy safe, however the regular keys didn't work, only the safety does. The point of the safe being digital is so you don't have to utilize a key, i use the key on this safe, the code doesn't open it, even if it did there's no handle so you need the key in the hole to have a makeshift handle. Not what i thought it was gonna be, wish i would have returned it.Buy Honeywell 2073 .62 Cubic Foot Shelf Safe!
Honeywell 2092 1.31 Cubic Foot Waterproof Fire Safe with Combination Lock
on วันพุธที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552
31 cubic foot waterproof fire safe with combination lock,
honeywell 2092 1,
honeywell quiet care air purifier with germ reduction,
honeywell te103nl wireless indooroutdoor thermometer
Comments: (0)
If you live in the land of earthquakes, Los Angeles, experts recommend you place important papers and documents in a fire-proof safe. This safe is sufficiently large enough to hold documents and even personal items. It's sturdy and built well. Highly recommended.Buy Honeywell 2092 1.31 Cubic Foot Waterproof Fire Safe with Combination Lock!
Honeywell Quiet Care Air Purifier with Germ Reduction
honeywell quiet care air purifier with germ reduction,
honeywell te103nl wireless indooroutdoor thermometer
Comments: (0)
I had purchased one of these units for my kids some years ago and it worked great. SO I ordered another unit recently.
The new unit has a terrible noxious smell coming from the guts of the unit when turned on - seems like the plastic in the HEPA filter or motor oil in the electric motor. After running it a few days with no change I returned this unit and recieved a new one with the same problem. I also talked to the manufacturer, KAZ, since it seemed like they got a bad batch of filters. They were willing to provide a new unit if I paid for the shipping. The status of this unit is still unresolved.
I would not recomend this unit to anyone unless you can tolerate the smell of noxious organic materials - such organic vapors could even be carcinogenic. Buy Honeywell Quiet Care Air Purifier with Germ Reduction!
Honeywell TE103NL Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer
on วันอังคารที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552
honeywell te103nl wireless indooroutdoor thermometer
Comments: (0)
The thermometer works great. You have to read and follow the setup instructions exactly, but after that there are no problems or disappointments. I have mine hanging near the ceiling of my porch to keep out the rain and it communicates with the inside unit no matter where I move the inside unit. I have been using it for over a month with just the typical Energizer batteries and it is still going strong just like the batteries. I recommend it highly.Buy Honeywell TE103NL Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer!
Honeywell 16200 Desktop HEPA Air Purifier
2 gallon cool mist humidifier,
honeywell 16200 desktop hepa air purifier,
honeywell ht8800bp high velocity double turbo,
honeywell hz2300 honeywell heater,
honeywell low heat silent heater,
honeywell te322elw long range weather forecaster with atomic clock and dual alarm,
honeywell vicks v4202 1,
soccerball projection clock
Comments: (0)
Yes, this cleaner is pretty loud, especially at the high setting. We have three, one for each bedroom. On its lowest setting, it adds a low rumble, similar to a fan, for sleeping - good if you work night shift or live in a noisy area. We have three cats and a large dog and for the first time in 11 years, our son has been without an upper respiratory infection. It is affordable and efficient.Buy Honeywell 16200 Desktop HEPA Air Purifier!
Honeywell HT8800BP High Velocity Double Turbo
on วันจันทร์ที่ 1 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552
2 gallon cool mist humidifier,
honeywell ht8800bp high velocity double turbo,
honeywell hz2300 honeywell heater,
honeywell low heat silent heater,
honeywell te322elw long range weather forecaster with atomic clock and dual alarm,
honeywell vicks v4202 1,
soccerball projection clock
Comments: (0)
This is a review for the 8700 model. Actual rating is a 3.5.
This fan is made fully of plastic. The plastic is slightly durable. It does not feel like cheap plastic though, but it doesn't feel like high quality plastic either.
The total height of the fan is 22", and with the handle it is 23" high. There are two fans, both the same size, and each fan is 9" in diameter.
The top fan is stuck to the handle, so in order to angle that fan up or down, you just need to move the handle forward or backward. The bottom fan is on a separate hinge, so it can be moved up or down independently. You can have one fan facing downward, and the other angled up at the ceiling, or you can have both fans angled up at the ceiling to help with air circulation.
The fans do a good job of circulating the air in a closed room, like a bedroom, but not in a room like a living room where it would have two openings (mine has an opening into the dining room and into the front door/foyer). This fan is mainly for bedrooms about 15' x 15' or smaller.
There are two fan speeds, I or II, and the off setting (O).
Regarding the noise, on setting I, the fans are somewhat quiet like a muffled whirr, but still can be heard well in a quiet room, although I can fall asleep with both fans on setting I. On setting II, the noise is kind of quiet like a muffled whirr, yet it is very noticeable, so you wouldn't want to have it on when you are trying to sleep, but you wouldn't mind it all if you had the TV on or had comapny over, or had something else to do that would occupy your mind. The noise is muffled (since it is plastic) and it doesn't sound like those metal fans because this is a plastic fan.
I enjoy my fan. Glad I purchased it for my room, but I think I'll find a more powerful model for the whole house, maybe the 8800 series or higher.Buy Honeywell HT8800BP High Velocity Double Turbo!
Honeywell HZ2300 Honeywell Heater
Erratic cheap thermostat. Sparks & flashes all the time. Should be in the air intake flow, isolated from the heat - it isn't - so it is impossible to set a constant temp & its variable is massive. Also very noisy - definitely not for a quiet room or sleeping at night. Just another cheap junk heater. Probably for $2 more (their cost) they could have made a real jewel out of this. Another million dollar American idea executed by .10 cent Oriental engineering.Buy Honeywell HZ2300 Honeywell Heater!